
Showing posts from March 19, 2021

INFINITY DEFIANCE: Shasvastii Taigha Creatures

Taigha Creatures These critters are quite kooky with their big grins, popeye arms and tiny butts.  I'm a big fan.  Although there were some repeat sculps I was able to twist and bend them a bit so that the poses varied a tad more. A couple have slightly twisted jaws due to my impatience when assembling them, however they look a little extra wild and slavering (at least that's how I justify my laziness!).  The pale fur was nice to play around with. I painted them in two batches so I wouldn't get bored with them. The last batch was the very last mob I worked on for the main Defiance Shasvastii army. Taigha Creatures Pit 1 Taigha Creatures Pit 2


  Jayth These big boys were a bit of a contrast to the other mobs.  I added orange to their body suits and gave them magenta lights instead of blue.  One thing that confused me about Shasvastii is that it appears that their skin is covered in platelike scales. At first I thought they were wearing armour but it seems more like a skintight bodysuit most of the time.  Painting the Jayth helped me understand this when I did their bare arms.  I used olive green and camo green colours for the skin, but it appeared too greenish for my taste so I then glazed pale flesh over all the skin to blend it in and make it seem more lifelike.

INFINITY DEFIANCE: Shasvastii Cadmus

  Cadmus I rather like the jump packs on these sneaky guys.  I didn't realise that they scanned you and upgraded pretty fast when I first played them, but now I respect how nasty they are.  I learned first hand how difficult fluro is to paint when I did the sword guy. The trick is to paint normal colours first and then glaze fluro over the top.  Doing OSL with this colour was hard too as it often dried chalky so I had to touch it up as well as use very very thin glazes. Happy that it looks nice and bright and alien.

INFINITY DEFIANCE: Shasvastii Caliban

  Caliban I'm very fond of these sculpts, especially the guy with the wrist canon. They remind me of Predator.  At first I thought that their masks were mandibles and painted them as such, but when I got more familiar with Shasvastii anatomy I realised what they were and had to repaint them. These guys still win the rule of cool in my book though.

INFINITY DEFIANCE: Shasvastii Seed Soldiers

  Seed Soldiers These guys are quite similar looking to the Nox and I wanted to make them stand apart quite easily so I added yellow.  In doing so I had settled on my secondary colour for the army as yellow complements purple quite nicely.  I had to go back to my first Nox team and paint yellow over the white markings I had originally given them so that they would match.  The glowing blue plugs I did with fluro blue, my first time using this kind of paint.


  Nox These guys were the first I painted up.  I was aiming for a colour scheme like The Covenant from the Halo video games, particularly the Elites , so I chose a blueish purple as well as red violet guns as the main colours.  Those gun colours are sooo nostalgic for me and I can just feel the needler in my trigger finger right now!    I did three nox as a test batch first.  The other three I painted about last as I didn't want to get bored painting the same minis twice.  Be nice if there were more poses or if I could be bothered converting some, but the way they were sculpted made it too hard to attempt this.  Nox Team 1 Nox Team 2