
Showing posts from June 16, 2019


Al Fasid These guys are some of the coolest models in the whole Infinity range.  Very happy to add one of these "seven times accursed" mercs to my Ikari Co.  I converted the pose ever so slightly just for something a bit different and painted this baddass in Ikari Co colours.  I played around with the icons a lot until I got something I liked that also complimented the colour scheme. Al Fasid (HMG) Al Fasid (Conversion WIP)


Ikari Company The start of my collection of the baddest Mercs on the Sphere begins! I was inspired to build the Ikari Company by a few great limited edition minis that I had to get my hands on.  Ikari Company, who are the antithesis of my JSA, are a bunch of dishonourable and dirty dogs that offer great painting and converting opportunities of mixed units that can be formed into a unique and cool army.  Some of my JSA can slum with them also, which is handy. The colour scheme I chose was based on the only existing official artwork I could find out there and is from the Uprising   book.  Love this art and tried emulate it on my new team. I’ve been planning the colours and conversions in my head for about 6 months now and am only slowly getting stuff done.  They are starting to look like a coherent force now so I’ll be rolling guys out in the next few months.  Uprising Artwork Baddasses