Fat Yuan Yuan This guy is the best! Fat, loves eating noodles, beer keg rocket pack, how can you not be charmed by this portly, fun loving, fella? This guy was one of the main reasons I started Ikari Co (the other was Druze lady). Why are all the best minis limited edition?. Painted the two versions in different colours to mix things up a bit... Are they brothers or the same guy? Enjoyed painting the OSL and the beer keg the most. I'm an amature when it comes to OSL and I was too conservative with the OSL flames at first but now I'm happier with the result. I redid the green to a bluer tone on the Eating Action guy much later on, which was a pain but blended better with the whole army. Both these guys hold a fond place in my Infinity heart... Flavour 1: Combat Action Flavour 2: Eating Action Fat Bros