Yan Huo (HMC) When I was looking at starting a new army these guys were a big drawcard for me to Yu Jing. It turns out that IA has all my favourite Yu Jing units, so I was all in. My first wave are done and I'm going to work on a small 2nd batch of guys during the start of this world wide quarantine and Yan Huos are front and centre. The HMC Yan Huo has arguably the most powerful gun in the game so this guy was just an auto-include. After reading about this powerful guy in an article by The Dice Abide (Excellent Infinity unit articles here by the way) I just had to paint one up next. I used all my skills learned so far on my IA army on this guy and am happy with how he turned out, especially the freehand, which I updated compared to the studio models. Pew Pew!...