
Showing posts from July 8, 2020


Alguaciles Have to admit I'm not a super fan of the look of these line troopers.  The Studio ones are painted so red they look like they are wearing prison jumpsuits, the blokes look like they pumped iron but skipped legs day and I think the shoulder pads remind me too much of 40K orks from the 80s.  That said, they are an essential Nomad trooper so I had to do my best to make them shine. I wanted to keep them mostly red due to their sectorial colours but not do them like the Studio. To this end, I muted the red on their fatigues, which as it turns out harks back to the N1 Alguaciles lol! The male models were a bit tricky to assemble as the arms didn't seem to line up well so I had to use quite a bit of greenstuff to make them work.  Other than that they were pretty easy to do and I batch painted the lot fairly quickly (but not overly enthusiastically) over a couple of days.  They turned out OK I guess and I tried to give them as much personality as possible. ...