
Showing posts from May 24, 2020


Fast Offensive Unit Zondnautica The reason why I wanted to do Nomads was this guy.  I just love this mini set, it's so cool. I was careful to make sure I matched all the colours between the different modes (If you look carefully at the studio models there is a bit of a mismatch).  Not sure why some of the leg armour is missing in robot mode, nor where the collar on the rider goes when she is dismounted. Anybody have any idea? Even though this is a Tunguskan unit I just had to add more red than black this time as red bikes just go faster. I also wanted the armour panels to stand out easily from the under armour in the robot mode and the red really sells this.  There were lots of cool shiny textures to paint, which was laborious but satisfying to finish. One tricky part was doing the tires so they look like rubber compared to the shiny metallic bits. To that end I drybrushed them as well as picked out the edge highlights.  Overall, very satisfying miniatures to p...