INFINITY NOMADS: Gator Squadron Conversion
Gator Squadron Conversion For some reason CB does really cool TAG designs and then occasionally executes the models in less than stellar poses. Pano suffers the most from this with the derperly posed Seraphs, Jotum and Squalos lessening such iconic and cool robot designs. Sadly, the Gator falls into this category also in my humble opinion. So, in an effort to make it less derpy and elevate the model into the realm of rule of cool which it so rightly deserves, I did some minor conversion work. This mostly involved repositioning the gun arm. It was quite an interesting process since I had never converted a siocast model and have not seen any out there as yet. The process was enlightening and results speak for itself with my now non derpy Gator ready to kick ass and chew bubblegum. Test Pose I did a test pose first which just required gluing the gun arm in a less derpy waving the arm up in the air pose. To be honest this simple r...