Keisotsu Butai
It’s a hard life being a lowly Keisotsu when your Colonel decides to go rogue and become a Merc. Dreams of honourable social advancement are
dashed to the wind and you are now a soldier of fortune through no choice of
your own! You could cry or… just loot,
pillage and spend up whilst you are still breathing. These Ikari Keisotsu, who without much
chance of ever going home, have resorted to supplementing their gear with
looted Yu-Jing uniforms and equipment.
Ok, the models are Zanshi proxying as Keisotsu since I had
to somehow make use of all the Red Veil miniatures I purchased because I wanted
the Ninja. Funny how Red Veil, with a
bit of tweaking can be used for Ikari Company.
It’s almost like CB designed it that way….
INCREDIBLE work! best ikari on the net