Part of the appeal of Infinity is the chance to paint some sexy ladies. That said, the O-Yoroi pilot is one of the sexiest in the Human Sphere imho! That's why she was first in line after the Army Pack minis. Another great appeal (for this mini painter) of this miniature (and all Infinity minis) is painting true scale figure as opposed to heroic scale meatheads that are so common on the market. The colours I chose are not far off the studio version but altered slightly to match the rest of my army's palette.
Yu Jing Painting Guide Thought I'd put together a bit of a step by step guide to painting Yu Jing armour using my Yan Huos. I've included how to do the contrasting black and metal sections because breaking down a miniature into easily paintable sections is crucial to being able to paint neatly and quickly by minimising mistakes and reworking colours. These Yu Jing guys have two main sections to do: Yellow armour panels and black/metal armour cables and weapons. Each section is done in three stages: Base colour, shading and then highlighting. I used Vallejo colours and followed the colour palette used by Angel Giraldez in the Yu Jing painting set . I don't have the set myself but I just guessed how he used them based on the colour selection within the set. I use brushes only because my airbrush is a bit dead and I spend more time cleaning it than painting lol! But to be honest I'm just more comfortable using a brush and only really find an airbrush useful for pain...
Gamma Unit The big guy was left till last. I used all the colours and details from my other O-12 on this guy. He is a very cool mini. Reminds me of the exo suits from the game Deus Ex. Infact the police force from Deus Ex is where I drew the most inspiration for my O-12 colour scheme. O-12 are now all done!
Bootleg O-Yoroi Pilot Conversion Guide It's been a long time since I worked on my favorite army, JSA! The Bootleg O-Yoroi Pilot is one of my all time favourite Infinity models. It is pure cheesecake mecha, both sexy and deadly. A lovely model to be sure and one of the reasons I wanted to collect both JSA and Infinity. However I was too exhausted after modeling and painting my first O-Yoroi to have a go at it in the past, especially trying to convert it like the wonderful Senior Giladez's version that we are all familiar with. A couple of years later, an additional army or two, plus a global pandemic as well as the model going out of production sending me into a panic buy (again!) meant that it was finally time to give this model conversion a crack. Whilst I did not do anything amazingly different from the masterclass version by Giladez, since the pose of the model does not allow for too much variation, I did want to put together a guide for others on how to ...
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