INFINITY JSA: Tachikoma (Proxy Yaopu Pangguling)

TACHIKOMA (Proxy Yaopu Pangguling) This little guy is so cute! A little too small for 28mm scale but perfect for a proxy infinity S4 baggage bot REM. This guy will stand in for my JSA Yaopu Pangguling as I'm not a huge fan of the studio model, but a massive GITS SAC fan. Batou been feeding him natural oil... Tachikoma: So, will we be sent back to lab too? Batou: Wha...? Who's been telling you that? Tachikoma: Well, it's just that the way the Major's been looking at us lately is kinda scary. Batou: Oh, is that all? The major's always scary, remember? I think you guys are doing a fine job. Tachikoma: You really think so? Batou: What, you're still worried about that? Tachikoma: Yeah... It just seems like the Major is angry about what we've acquired recently. Batou: "Acquired"? Acquired what? Tachikoma: Well, it's ... Individuality. Batou:...