
Showing posts from April 29, 2021


  Megalodron The big bad boss!  This guy took a couple of weeks to get done.  I probably could have done it quicker but I had reached painting fatigue by the time I started him.  It's the first time I worked on a PVC model and I gotta admit it was hard to clean up the mould lines, especially because the model was preassembled. The sheer size of the model ment that I painted it in manageable stages and sections. I did the base last and I'm happy that my colour scheme ended up blending in well with the defiance game board tiles.  Even though I was exhausted by the end and I nearly gave up on it, I'm glad I took the time to do the yellow marks on the armour. They tie the model in well with the rest of the army and were actually quite fun to make up myself, drawing influence from the markings on the rest of the army.