KEISOTSU BUTAI The Line Soldier's (cheerleaders) colours were developed based on the GITS colours I chose for The Ryuken Unit 9, mixed with the Konoe faction of the JSA detailed in the background info from the Uprising Book. I decided I wanted to paint this scheme on my Heavy Infantry in order to differ my army from the studio models. I thought far ahead to how I would eventually do the Heavy Infantry and what scheme would be cohesive with the Ryuken minis I first worked on. This was how I chose the Keisotsu's markings and colours. Keisotsu Butai 1 (AKA not quite Ishikawa) This guy was the first Infinity Model I ever painted. Keisotsu Butai 2 Had trouble getting her face right and reworked it many times. At least she doesn't look like Dracula at the moment, but I'm still not quite happy. Keisotsu Butai 3 (AKA Not Quite Togusa) Alas he ain't got a Mateba Cheerleading to victory!