INFINITY JSA: Japanese Secessionist Army On Parade

Very happy to see units side by side and various colour palettes merging as a whole. My entry into the world of Infinity has been great so far and I'm very proud of my JSA force. If only I had more time to play games! Any ways wonder what force is next on the horizon?... Ninjas Ryukan Unit 9 Cyber Samurai Heavy Infantry Royal Guard alongside Ronin Heroes and Rogues Motorpool Master and Mistress of speed Cute and Creepy robots Heavy Hitters protect their VIP TAG = Giant Robot Samurai Deadly and Sexy ladies Light Infantry supporting the Troublemakers Speed demons Group shot 2 (Who is that waiting in the wings?) UNIT ROLL CALL Ryuken Unit 9 Keisotsu Butai and Kempeitai Kaizoku Spec Ops Tokusetsu Butai Kuge Delegate with CSU bodyguards Daiyokai Dengekitai Domaru Butai Tanko Zensenbutai O-Yoroi Kidobutai Karakuri Project Aragoto Senkenbutai Asuka Kisaragi Yojimbo Mushashi S...