INFINITY JSA: Domaru Butai

These guys are just so cool - Space Samurai with swords and guns! It was these models that sealed the deal for me with the JSA after the Army Pack came out and I decided that this faction was the one I wanted to have a crack at and get into Infinity the Game with. I remember seeing the old versions a few years ago and thought that they were ok, but in weird positions and mono-poses reminiscent of very old GW models, so I wasn't that impressed tbh. Years later, after a CAD redesign, these guys are some of the best miniatures on the market, just so dang cool and badass looking! My team (and whole army) are painted as the Konoe faction, the prestigious Emperor's personal guard and saviors during the JSA uprising.
DOMARU BUTAI (With Boarding Shotgun)
This was the first guy I got to try the Konoe colours on. I chose this scheme because I wanted my army to be different to the studio army, yet keep the nationalistic red and white Japanese colours. I changed the mon on the cuisse to the Domaru meteors, rather than the imperial chrysanthemum komon, for practical reasons of ease of paintability. Other than that the paint job is very close to the template depicted in the Uprising book.
DOMARU BUTAI (With Chain Rifle)
Funny that there is no official sculpt for this iconic Domaru weapon profile, so had to convert one myself. Handy since Domaru are AVA 5 and he can stand in for a Neko proxy until Corvus Belli decide to sculpt a new Neko that is proportioned better in line with these guys.
The conversion was made by cutting up the Domaru with two swords, adding an Irmandinho
chain rifle and sculpting a new sword handle and new guard.
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